Advantages of Northern Balanced Fertilizers–

  • More yield than conventional fertilizers
  • Preserve soil fertility
  • Prevent the significant rise of chemical fertilizer demand
  • Decrease urea usage
  • Improve cost-effectiveness for farmers
  • Have greater chances for commercial success

Northern Balanced Fertilizers (BF) are proportionately mixed organo-chemical fertilizers consisting of approved precise ratios, with customized formulas catering to the needs of individual crops. Northern BF is prepared for different crops, following the recommendation made by the BARC in its Fertilizer Recommendations Guide “FRG” (1979-2005).

Benefits of Northern Balanced Fertilizers–

  • To sustain the increasing global food demand, there is no substitute for balanced fertilization.
  • Chemical ferfilzers ensures maximum crop production
  • Organic fertilzers retains soil fertility
  • Allows sustainable and long term prospects for commercial farming
  • Increases convenience for farmers during application of fertiizers
  • Eliminates the risks of farmers’ unawareness about correct fertilizer dosage
  • Ensures maximum yield, compared to other ferfilization methods

In addition to our organic fertilizers, we also have our extensively researched range of crop-based Balanced Fertilizers™ to serve the needs of our farmers.

Packaging size: 10kg and 40kg

Applicable Crops:

HYV Rice

Dosage & Instruction:

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Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:

Wheat, Barley, Millet, Oat etc.

Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:

Potato, Jerusalem Artichoke, Sweet Potato, Yams, Cassava

Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:

Mustard, Soybean, Linseed, Sunflower, Castor & other Sesame seeds

Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:

Maize, Corn, Sweet Corn, Sorghum & global Zea Mays

Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:

Onion, Chives, Leek, Shallot & global bulb spices and tuber crops

Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:

Banana & other global tropical, sub-tropical fruits

Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:

Cauliflower, Broccoli

Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:


Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:

Garlic, Carrot, Radish, Turnip, Ginger, Turmeric and tuber crops

Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:

Tomato & other Tomatillo global vegetables

Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:

Cabbage, Betel Leaf, Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Lettuce, Spinach, Rhubarb, Swiss Chard, Leaf Parsley

Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:


Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:

Brinjal, Orka, Eggplant

Dosage & Instruction:

Packaging size:

Applicable Crops:

Watermelon, Cucumber, Cantaloupe, Pumpkin, Summer Squash, Bitter Gourd, Melon

Dosage & Instruction:

Subsidiary of


Corporate Office

Moharrampur, Ramsagar road, Pulhat, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh

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